Marshall County Commissioners and Council Continue to Consider Plan and BZA Legal and Advertising Fees

The Marshall County Commissioners and Council are still deliberating the matter of legal and advertising fees incurred by the Plan Commission (PC) and Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA), the legality of limiting their access to legal counsel, and how to fund expenses incurred for the remainder of 2024 whether those expenses be pre-authorized or not. 

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Marshall County Plan Director Required to Seek Council President’s Approval for Certain Expenditures until Solar Moratorium is Placed

The Marshall County Council approved a motion to require Marshall County Plan Director Ty Adley to seek Council President Jesse Bohannon’s approval for legal and advertising expenses prior to incurring such expenses until a Solar Moratorium is placed by the Commissioners.

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Marshall County Council to Meet Tonight

Marshall County Council (L to R) Jim Masterson, Nicole Cox, Jesse Bohannon, Deborah Johnson, Will Patterson, Tim Harman, Adam Faulstich

The Marshall County Council members will meet tonight where Marshall County Commission President Stan Klotz will discuss a request for an American Rescue Plan Act additional appropriation and a Drug Task Force recommendation.

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