The transfer contract between David’s Courage, Inc. and Marshall County for occupancy of the Shady Rest Home has been approved with a few modifications.
According to County Attorney Jim Clevenger, facilitators Gregg Erickson and Ted Hayden asked the commissioners to drop the requirement that the facility continue to be named Shady Rest Home. A different designation was not provided at the time of discussions.
The former executive director at the Marshall Care and Share program was sentenced in Marshall County Superior Court No. 1 on Wednesday morning. He was accused of drug dealing and solicitation of prostitution at the time of his arrest in August 2017.
James A. Irwin, 69, pleaded guilty in an amended plea agreement with the state to a Level 6 felony count of dealing in a schedule II controlled substance and a Class A misdemeanor charge of patronizing a prostitute. Judge Robert O. Bowen accepted the plea agreement that calls for two years of incarceration on the felony charge and one year of incarceration on the misdemeanor charge. Those counts are to be served concurrently, or at the same time.
A hearing regarding the return of restitution to former Marshall County Highway Superintendent Neal Haeck was held in Marshall County Superior Court No. 1 before Judge Robert O. Bowen Thursday morning.
Haeck and his attorney, Stanley Wruble, filed a motion requesting the return of restitution and Community Corrections fees after the Indiana Court of Appeals overturned Haeck’s conviction on a theft charge in 2016.
Last night’s Shady Rest Committee public hearing was emotionally charged with various members of the community coming out to show support, ask questions and express concerns over Ted Hayden and Gregg Erickson’s proposal to utilize the county building for an addiction recovery facility.
Those speaking in favor of the “David’s Courage” program taking occupancy of the Shady Rest Home included County Health officials, recovered addicts and family members personally impacted by addiction, as well as people who wanted to see the historic structure utilized to help the community. Continue reading →
In a recent media advisory, Marshall County Sheriff Matthew Hassel, in collaboration with Marshall County Community Corrections, proudly announced the expansion of current Inmate Programs offered at the County Jail.
The newly introduced Marshall County Jail Chemical Addictions Program (MCJCAP) aims to give men and women struggling with addictions a second chance. The program will incorporate existing Moral Reconation Therapy with the Smart Recovery Substance Abuse Program and Fatherhood Initiative Program as well as group and individual life skills coaching. Continue reading →
Marshall County Community Corrections Executive Director Ward Byers approached the county council on Monday morning asking for approval to seek grant funding for the department’s budget.
Byers said this request is in accordance with the preparation of the 2019 Fiscal Year budget.
“Our current fiscal year budget is $403,100,” said Byers. “I’m not certain if that’s going to go up at all. The advisory board has not reviewed any numbers yet. That will be done at December’s meeting.” Continue reading →
The Shady Rest Committee heard a proposal from Ted Hayden and Gregg Erickson who have teamed up to provide information on a proposed addiction recovery service at the Shady Rest Home on Lincoln Highway in Plymouth. The Shady Rest Committee felt their offer of these services would greatly impact the community in the most effective way.
Hayden is currently working with the Prairie View Adult Services and sees a need with individuals seeking treatment from the grasp of addiction. He works with adolescent males and addiction issues. Erickson knows the need as his son previously dealt with a similar addiction. The pair wants to provide help to provide a therapeutic community and offer services to help get an addict a more positive way of life.
September serves as National Recovery Month, which celebrates the gains made by those fighting addiction. While Marshall County continues to battle an ever-growing opiate problem, there are also many success stories to celebrate.
According to Community Corrections Director Ward Byers, through collaborative efforts with criminal justice partners and local treatment providers many client recoveries have been reported. Marshall County Community Corrections provides assistance with substance abuse recovery by hosting a support group ever Monday from 4 to 5 p.m. at the Life Enrichment Center in Plymouth. The Smart Recovery Substance Abuse support group is a free service open to the public called Discover the Power of Choice. Continue reading →
The 2017-2018 Drug Free Marshall County grant round is now open.
These grants are intended to support projects surrounding substance abuse prevention, education, enforcement and treatment in Marshall County will be awarded soon.
Applicants must address one or more topics in the application: high rate of methamphetamine production and abuse, high rate of alcohol use/abuse in Marshall County, high rate of marijuana use/abuse in Marshall County, an increased use of opioids and heroin in adults, or a high rate of tobacco use with a focus on its use by pregnant women and smokeless tobacco use in youth.
Marshall County Community Corrections Director Ward Byers requested a salary ordinance amendment to bring all of the case managers within the same hourly wage.
Byers asked the Marshall County Council members to consider the pay equity request of $23.07 an hour as discussed with the personnel committee.
“This position fell behind a bit in its hourly rate of pay solely because it is not grant funded,” said Byers. “We were able to acquire that hourly rate of pay with the State of Indiana through the grant. We’re simply asking that this case manager, who is paid out of the project income fund, or user fees and not tax dollars of any kind, be brought up to the same pay rate.”
(L to R) Heather Green Community Corrections MRT Facilitator, Robert Bowen II, Probation Officer Beth Harner, David Schutz, (back row) Probation Officer James Bendy, Community Corrections Director Ward ByersScott Lewis
Three people were honored this week after completing Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) through the Marshall County Community Corrections program.
Robert Bowen II and David Schutz were recognized for their successful completion of their community supervision plan. Scott Lewis was also presented his certificate of completion while incarcerated in the Marshall County Jail.
Marshall County Community Corrections is able to provide this program through an Indiana Department of Corrections grant. The organization provides programs such as this to assist clients in reducing their criminal thinking and attitudes in an effort to provide them with the building blocks they need to succeed.
MRT is a cognitive-behavioral counseling program that combines education, group and individual counseling and structured exercises designed to foster moral development in treatment-resistant clients.
A few Marshall County employees will be getting a raise, while others will get an updated job description. The county council approved several recommendations from the county’s personnel committee Monday. Continue reading →
Marshall County Community Corrections plans to continue using the Bowen Center’s counseling services for its jail treatment program. Continue reading →
The Marshall County Commissioners will consider a contract between Marshall County Community Corrections and the Bowen Center during this morning’s meeting. Continue reading →
Marshall County Commissioners (L to R) Deb Griewank, Kevin Overmyer and Kurt Garner
Marshall County Community Corrections has gotten the support of the county commissioners, as it goes about creating its fiscal year 2018 budget. The commissioners’ approval is a required step before Community Corrections is able to apply for grant funding from the state. Continue reading →
Marshall County residents have the chance to learn some financial management tips, thanks to a program being offered by Marshall County Community Corrections and WoodForest National Bank. According to Community Corrections, the Money Matters program aims to give people the resources to build or rebuild their financial independence. Continue reading →