Electric Company Offers to Help Pay for Way-Finding Signage to Be Installed in Argos

Visitors traveling to Argos will soon have an easier time finding their way around town with the help of some signage that will be installed in the near future.

The town’s electrical services provider, the Indiana Municipal Power Agency (IMPA), has offered to pay 75 percent of the purchase and installation cost for more than ten new way-finding signs, according to Clerk-Treasurer Lisa Mullaney. Continue reading

Solar Farm Considered in Argos

Indiana Municipal Power Agency officials think that a solar power project would work well in the town of Argos.

The Argos solar power project would include 3,000 solar panels mounted 24 inches above the ground and tilted at a 25-degree angle, according to our reporting partners at WNDU-TV.  Dan Worl from the IMPA says the companies provide power for 60 towns including Bremen and Argos but the construction of the solar farm requires a unique location where no obstructions are present.

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