Electric Company Offers to Help Pay for Way-Finding Signage to Be Installed in Argos

Visitors traveling to Argos will soon have an easier time finding their way around town with the help of some signage that will be installed in the near future.

The town’s electrical services provider, the Indiana Municipal Power Agency (IMPA), has offered to pay 75 percent of the purchase and installation cost for more than ten new way-finding signs, according to Clerk-Treasurer Lisa Mullaney.

Mullaney reported, “IMPA has agreed to help us pay for way-finding signs and they’ll just be put up all over town, Plymouth has them and Culver has them and they’ll say things like “Town Buildings” this way and it will tell you where our community park is versus our memorial park.”

In addition to signs that will steer people toward the parks, town hall, the clerk’s office, the fire department and the police station there will also be signage directing people toward the schools.

Mullaney said that IMPA is taking care of ordering the signs and setting up installation but she said she expects them to be ordered soon. Argos citizens and out-of-towners should start seeing them pop up in the near future.