Culver Town Council Meets Tonight

Culver Town Council members are expected to revisit an amended ordinance regulating the use of golf carts and animal-drawn vehicles when they meet at 6:30 p.m. tonight.

In addition to considering the attorney’s contract and a contract with the Visitor’s Center, members are anticipated to take a look at amending an easement agreement with Culver Academies, related the trail project. Continue reading

Culver Town Council to Add Clarifications to Golf Cart Ordinance


Culver’s golf cart ordinance may soon be getting some clarifications. An amended ordinance was presented for first reading during last week’s town council meeting, by Council President Ginny Bess Munroe. “Basically, nothing is changing,” she explained. “We are clarifying our ordinance because we find that when we try to enforce it, people don’t have an understanding of the fact that you shouldn’t have a four-year-old driving your golf cart. So we’ve added some language here, throughout this.”

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Money Continues Trickling In for Culver Fire Truck Fundraiser

Culver’s fire truck fundraiser may officially be over, but Fire Chief Terry Wakefield says donations continue trickling in. “Money keeps coming in,” he told the town council last week, “and hopefully it still does until we can get a number on this vehicle, to get it pegged down so everybody knows what’s going on.” Wakefield said that process was set to begin last week.

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Culver Police Officers, EMS Employees to be Paid for Unused Holidays, Vacation Days

culver town hall

The Culver Town Council has agreed to pay police officers and EMS employees for unused holidays and vacation days. During last week’s meeting, Police Chief Wayne Bean explained that staffing issues have made it hard to provide coverage while still allowing officers to take time off. He didn’t think that carrying those days over into the new year would solve the problem. EMS Director Kathy Hart reported similar challenges.

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Marshall County Health Department to Offer Narcan Training This Week in Plymouth, Culver

A few chances to learn to use the potentially life-saving drug Narcan are being offered by the Marshall County Health Department this week. Training sessions will be held today at 11:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. at the Community Resource Center in Plymouth. Health board member Tracy Fox told the Culver Town Council last week that a third training has been scheduled for this Thursday at 5:00 p.m. at the Culver Beach Lodge.

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Culver Town Council Finalizes 2019 Salary Ordinance, Town Manager Contract

culver town hall

The Culver Town Council gave its final approval to the town’s 2019 salary ordinance Tuesday. It was previously explained that the ordinance includes a 50-cent increase for all hourly employees, as well as an incentive for street, water, or wastewater employees who earn certifications. It also outlines how town employees who serve on the fire department will be compensated for responding to calls during business hours.

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Culver Police Chief Voices Concern with Allowing Alcohol in Beach Lodge

The idea of allowing alcoholic beverages in the Culver Beach Lodge during private events drew a mixed reaction during a public input session held by the town council Tuesday. Such a move might make it easier to hold weddings at the new Damore Amphitheater, followed by a reception in the Beach Lodge. The town is looking at putting policies in place that would allow people to rent the amphitheater, including potential fees and guidelines.

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