National Preparedness Month a Chance to Make Emergency Plans, Learn Lifesaving Skills

National Preparedness Month starts tomorrow, and the Indiana Department of Homeland Security says there’s something everyone can do to be ready for disasters. During the month of September, residents are encouraged to make and practice an emergency plan; check their insurance coverage; and learn CPR, first aid, or other lifesaving skills.

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June is National Safety Month

June is recognized as National Safety Month and there are a number of things you can do to help keep yourself and your family safe this summer and all year-round.

Unfortunately, accidents and emergencies can pop up at any time and while you can’t control when they happen you can help by being prepared. Officials from Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion have a few helpful tips to keep in mind when it comes to staying safe. Continue reading

Stayin’ Alive with the Hands-Only CPR Procedure

In the time it takes you to brush your teeth, you could learn how to save a life. Preparation is important, especially considering the fact that 70 percent of all out-of-hospital cardiac arrests take place at home which makes it important to learn more about FirstAidPro. June first through the seventh is recognized as National CPR week. You can also get first aid training in Edinburgh ffrom here! Continue reading