Culver Prepares to Take Permit System Online

culver-town-hallThe Town of Culver is finally ready to put permit applications online.

Town Council members received an update Tuesday night after a meeting last week between Town Management and the Marshall County Planning and Building Office. Neighboring communities in Marshall County have been using an online permit system for almost one year to improve efficiency for contractors and local residents.

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Bicentennial Barn Quilt Unveiling Scheduled Today

Indiana Bicentennial logoMarshall County’s latest Indiana Bicentennial Legacy Project contribution will be unveiled during a ceremony this afternoon in downtown Plymouth. Marshall County Tourism coordinated the Marshall County Barn Quit Trail. It’s a series of large murals painted in a variety of quilt patterns on barns, businesses and public spaces throughout the county. Organizers say the trail celebrates the history of agriculture, the time-honored tradition of quilting, the community’s passion for art, community pride and Hoosier Hospitality. The trail features more than 75 quilts of various designs and colors. Continue reading

Ancilla College Prepares for Fall Semester Ag Program Launch

Ancilla College NEWAncilla College is putting together the final touches on its agricultural degree programs.

Students return to the campus this weekend, but in addition to introducing new students, Ancilla is also introducing the new degree program. Despite being located in a heavily agricultural area, the two-year liberal arts school has not had an active academic program to this point.

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