Plymouth BOW, City Council to Meet Tonight at Alternate Location

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety will open quotes for a crack seal project and discuss the final change order for the Plymouth-Goshen Trail water main extension project when they meet tonight. They will also approve a resolution regarding Halloween and designating surplus property for sale at auction. The members will also receive an update on the Fourway computer product tower equipment.

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety will meet at 6 p.m.

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Triton School Board to Hold Public Hearing Tonight

The Triton School Board will hold a public hearing on the proposed lease on the building project. The school is looking to build a high school gymnasium, replace the heating and cooling system at the elementary school and the roof at the high school. Following the public hearing, the board plans to adopt a resolution to authorize the execution of the lease, approve the issuance of bonds and accept post-issuance procedures.

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Marshall County Council to Meet Today

The Marshall County Council will meet this morning with a full agenda. The council members will discuss all of the line items in the 2018 budget in a hearing after their regular business meeting.

James Bend and James Pheibush will have a funding request for care of inmate patients while Sheriff Matt Hassel and Annette Osborn from WIC will request a waiver for a 90-day probationary pay. EMA Director Clyde Avery will present an additional request for a mitigation plan update with the EMA Performance Grant and the personnel committee members will discuss updates to several positions. Continue reading

Marshall County Building Commissioner Announces Record Year

Marshall County Building Commissioner Chuck DeWitt and his staff is keeping busy this construction season with several hundred permits issued this year. That’s what he reported to the Marshall County Commissioners this week.

“We have over $25 million in permit values and we have 405 building permits and over 110 electric permits. That gives us about 600 permits that we’ve issued so far this year. We’re on track to have the busiest year we’ve ever had,” said DeWitt.

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Solar Energy Ordinance Coming Soon

The Marshall County Building Inspector asked the commissioners for permission this week to attend a workshop next month on renewable energy including solar power and generators.

Chuck DeWitt mentioned that an ordinance regarding solar panels will be coming soon to Culver and to Marshall County that will permit small, medium and large solar energy systems. He said the ordinance will include safety for the public and first responders when installing solar energy systems and education on when a power outage occurs. Continue reading

More Changes Announced as City Building Undergoes Renovations

Plymouth City Building

The Plymouth City Building will undergo renovations soon which will cause the relocation of the mayor’s office and the clerk-treasurer’s office.

Beginning on Sept. 19, the pair of offices will be at 118 N. Michigan Street and will remain there until the completion of the renovation project. The drop box on Garro Street will be available for any payment of water bills after hours.

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John Glenn School Board Approves Transfer Student Acceptance Deadline

The John Glenn School Board set a deadline date and the maximum number of transfer students in each grade. The board voted Tuesday night to allow 45 students per grade with a deadline date of May 25, 2018 for this school year.

Superintendent Richard Reese recently reported to the board that the number of transfer students into the corporation this school year totals 401. The number of transfer students last year was 376.

Bicyclist Injured in Accident

Emergency responders were called to a bicycle vs. vehicle accident on Thursday morning at the intersection of Garro Street and Michigan Street.

Haifa Latif of Plymouth reportedly told a Plymouth police officer that she was on her bicycle traveling north in the northbound lane on Michigan Street at the intersection with Garro Street when she did not see the traffic signal and ran into a vehicle driven by Erandy Quintana of Plymouth. Quintana reportedly told police that she was traveling west on Garro Street and entered the intersection as she had a green light when Latif ran into her vehicle.

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Renovation Causes Relocation of City Meetings

Plymouth City Building

The renovation of the Plymouth City Building on Michigan Street is set to begin soon. Once the state approves the paperwork, environmental testing will start.

The renovation project will prompt the relocation of city meetings. The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety and the Plymouth City Council meetings will be held at the Plymouth Fire Department Training Classroom beginning Sept. 11. Those attending are asked to use the entrance on the south side of the Plymouth Fire Department building at 111 N. Center Street.

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John Glenn School Board Discusses Budget

The John Glenn School Board held a work session Tuesday night on the 2018 budget.

Business Manager Tom Bendy gave information to the board about the proposed budget that will be advertised. A public hearing on the budget will be held at a later date.

The board did approve the advertisement of the 2018 Capital Projects plan and the Bus Replacement Fund. The corporation is advertising the purchase of two 84-passenger buses and two 14-passenger buses.

Marshall County Can Move Forward with Reestablishing Cumulative Capital Development Fund

Officials with the Department of Local Government Finance (DLGF) have ruled that the Marshall County Commissioners can move forward with reestablishing the Cumulative Capital Development Fund at its maximum rate.

In a decision handed down on Aug. 31, DLGF officials approved the levying of a tax in the amount of $.0333 per $100 of assessed valuation in 2018. The rate must be advertised and the amount must be properly appropriated in the 2018 budget.

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Lack of Interest Causes Grant Application, Non-Profit Fund Creation to Stall

A potential funding source for those suffering losses not eligible for FEMA funds after a natural disaster has been tabled due to lack of support.

Marshall County Emergency Management Agency Director Clyde Avery told the commissioners on Tuesday morning that five people responded to eight notices sent out to create a board of directors for this endeavor, but only three members attended the first meeting. The goal of the proposed 501(C)(3) organization was to generate donations by a variety of fundraisers to sustain the fund. The money would then be distributed after applications were reviewed in the event of a catastrophic event.

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Town of Culver Prepares for Stellar Site Visit

The Town of Culver is beginning preparations for a visit from officials with the Stellar Communities Designation Program. The event is set for Oct. 5.

The goal of the Indiana Stellar Communities Designation Program is to help rural towns, like Culver, gather the resources needed to invest in improvements for economic revitalization. Those projects could include housing or other community-minded interests to renew spirit to the area or to alleviate decline.

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Public Hearing Set for Intersection Improvement in Marshall, Fulton Counties

The construction of a J-turn intersection is planned at the intersection of U.S. 31 and State Road 110 in Marshall and Fulton Counties. A public hearing on the project is set for Wednesday, Sept. 27 at 6 p.m. at the Argos Community Jr./Sr. High School.

The proposed intersection is expected to enhance safety at that intersection. INDOT officials say J-turn intersections increase safety by reducing the number of possible conflicts and the points where two vehicles cross paths. It is the hope to reduce the number of “T” crashes.

The project information can be viewed prior to the public hearing at the Argos Public Library or by clicking here.

September is National Preparedness Month

It’s time to take action to be prepared when it comes to severe weather.

September is National Preparedness Month and officials urge you to put together a kit of emergency supplies that is geared to sustain family life for at least three days in the event of a severe weather event. It is suggested that one gallon of water per day per person could be included in the kit along with non-perishable food, battery-powered radio, flashlight, a first aid kit, extra medicine, cash, pet food, and seasonal clothing.

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Public Hearing Set for Intersection Improvement

A public hearing is planned to gather comments on the proposed intersection improvement on U.S. 31 and State Road 10 and Dewey Street in Marshall County.

The project includes a measure to increase safety at the intersection and reduce delay by separating traffic movements. The plan is to construct a J-turn, or a median U-turn. J-turns improve the ability of drivers to cross a multi-lane divided highway from a crossroad. According to INDOT, the improvement is expected to reduce the risk of severe crashes.

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Marshall County Commissioners to Meet Today

Marshall County Commissioners (L to R) Mike Delp, Kevin Overmyer, Kurt Garner

The Marshall County Commissioners will meet today where the commissioners will receive an update from projects at the highway department. The board will also hear from Emergency Management Agency Director Clyde Avery about his quarterly activities. County Attorney James Clevenger will provide an update on several items when he delivers his report.

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