Marshall County Commissioners to Meet Today

The Marshall County Commissioners will meet today where they have many things to discuss.

Annette Haining from Marshall County HOPE will provide an update, while Human Resources Administrator Jennifer Daake will present sick bank information for approval.

Sheriff Matt Hassel will present a request for a vehicle purchase pre-payment, Treasurer Sandra Dodson will have the L&D Mail Masters Agreement for approval and an ordinance the would establish fees for the operations of the Treasurer’s Office, the Plan Commission will hold a public hearing concerning a case involving James and Mary Susan Husband, Marshall County Council on Aging Executive Director Janis Holiday will have her quarterly report, and Circuit Court Judge Janette Surrisi will present a request to apply for funding.

Viki Brown from Dustin’s Place will have an update for the commissioners, EMA Director Jack Garner will discuss a BRIC grant request, IT Director Michael Marshall will present an agreement with Hoosier IT Services, and Health Administrator Sandy Dunfee will have a service agreement, Memorandum of Understanding, and two requests for the commissioners.

Additionally, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor Billy Schoff will have an agreement with J&M Service, and an agreement with Schoberg and Schoberg for construction services for approval.

The commissioners will continue discussions on the purchase of the Bowen Building.

Highway Department Superintendent Jason Peters, County Attorney Sean Surrisi and County Auditor Angie Birchmeier will have regular reports for the commissioners.

The Marshall County Commissioners will meet at 9:30 a.m. ET today in the second floor meeting room in the Marshall County Building at 112 W. Jefferson Street in Plymouth.