Marshall County Commissioners to Meet Today

The Marshall County Commissioners will meet today where the members will look at the addendum to the extension/employment agreement for the Marshall County Plan Commission director.

The commissioners will hear from Sandy Dunfee and Faith Freed from the Health Department about the on-site sewage systems ordinance and a general update of the department. Sheriff Matt Hassel will present an extra duty solutions agreement, and Cliff Allen will discuss good in the county.

Human Resources Administrator Jennifer Daake will discuss the Hrlogic Master Services agreement and addendum, and Treasurer Kelly Einspahr will discuss an Xsoft Cashbook agreement.

Brent Martin will be before the commissioners to present a change order with the Owner-Occupied homes project.

Highway Department Superintendent Jason Peters, County Attorney Jim Clevenger, and Auditor Angie Birchmeier will provide regular reports as necessary.

The Marshall County Commissioners will meet at 9:30 a.m. ET in the second floor meeting room (Room 203) in the Marshall County Building at 112 W. Jefferson Street in Plymouth.