Marshall County Commissioners to Meet Today

Marshall County Commissioners (L to R) Michael Burroughs, Stan Klotz, Kevin Overmyer

The Marshall County Commissioners will meet today where they will discuss a Plan Commission contract for services.

They will also discuss an ordinance regarding an on-site sewage amendment and restatement, and an ordinance pertaining to the personnel policies handbook. MACOG traffic counts on 4th Road and Olive Road will also be discussed.

Community Corrections Executive Director Beau Holcomb will request to apply for a grant and present a Memorandum of Understanding for a Safe Supported Community.

Removal of REMC electric from the EMA Building, and grant agreements for the Marshall County Council on Aging are also included on the agenda.

Highway Department Superintendent Jason Peters, County Attorney Jim Clevenger and Auditor Angie Birchmeier will provide regular reports.

Following a recess, bids for annual highway materials will be opened.

The Marshall County Commissioners will meet at 8:30 a.m. ET today in the second floor meeting room (Room 203) in the Marshall County Building at 112 W. Jefferson Street in Plymouth.