Marshall County Commissioners and Council Approve $1.2 Million for Highway Department

The Marshall County Council and Commissioners approved support of $1.2 million for the Highway Department.

Highway Superintendent Jason Peters requested additional financial support in the amount of $2,462,253.48.

Council President Bohannon reminded the public that he stated at the beginning of the year that he would be comfortable approving an additional $2 million; he wanted to take a closer look at the additional $500,000. Councilwoman Nicole Cox echoed the desire to take a closer look at the budget before approving the total request.

Bohannon stated that he felt confident approving $1.2 million. Vice President Tim Harman agreed with that amount as well.

The Council approved support of $1.2 million – $600,000 from the General Fund and $600,000 from the Rainy Day Fund. That additional funding appropriation will need to be advertised and formally approved during the August meeting.

Bohannon instructed Peters to prioritize the most important projects using that funding. Peters was also instructed to use other available funds within his budget including available funding from the Commissioners.

Peters’ request was heard at the subsequent Commissioners meeting.

President Stan Klotz stated that the amounts approved by both bodies in amounts and designated funds need to match to comply with State Board of Accounts.

The Commissioners had previously approved $775,000 in additional funding for Highways; they approved an amendment to that approval in the amount of $1.2 million – $600,000 out of Rainy Day and $600,000 out of the General Fund.

The Commissioners also approved sending a funding request to the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Committee in the amount of up to $550,000 to be used for highways.