Culver Community School Board Holds Second Public Hearing to Discuss use of Balance of Bond Proceeds

The Culver Community School Board members opened the second of two required public hearings Monday, March 18 to explain the use of the balance of bond proceeds previously issued to make several repairs and renovations to buildings on the grounds of the school corporation.

Superintendent Karen Shuman previously explained there is about $1.5 million available in bond proceeds from the recent bond project.

There has been a proposal to build a new Culver Youth Club (CYC) building on the school’s campus. The Culver Community School Corporation would put forth $500,000 of those bond proceeds as a match toward that proposed project to go in concert with grants, if awarded, and community donations.

A long-term lease would be negotiated for use and operation of the building, if the project is approved.

Shuman commented that the need is to simply create more space.

With the remaining bond money available, several other renovation projects are being proposed. The Middle School Science rooms would be renovated, along with restrooms at the Elementary School and the High School Cafeteria, plus other improvements to make Special Education space available, plumbing, fixtures, water lines, and other needs.

There will no change with taxes.

The deadline to allocate the money is February 2025.

According to minutes from the meeting, board member Matt McCuen asked about maintenance of the building where Shuman explained a Memorandum of Understanding would be in place for the use of the building and regarding the maintenance of the exterior and interior of the building which would remain in the corporation’s responsibility. He also expressed concerns about money being used on a small population of the school. The final question focused on the employment of students at the club and if more students would be employed with the new building. Shuman said there are four rotating students employed at the club and that will continue to happen to meet the needs of the club members.

After the public hearing was closed, the board unanimously approved a project resolution document during the regular session meeting that indicates that the board would like to use the remaining bond monies toward the proposed needs of the corporation. The board also unanimously approved a preliminary determination resolution to use $500,000 out of the bond money for the match toward the construction of the Culver Youth Club building if the project is awarded grant funds and community donations to complete the project.

There is a 30-day remonstrance period for any other public comment concerning this action.