Argos Town Council Handles Possible Conflict of Interest, Other Matters

During the second January meeting of the Argos Town Council, Council Member Robert Byers informed the rest of the council that his company has vending machines located in the Argos parks and that the board appoints members to the Argos Park Board and he is the Park Board liaison as a non-voting member.

He stated that he has spoken to Town Attorney Derek Jones about the matter and has been assured that it is not a conflict of interest.

Council Member Shawn Harley asked Jones if Byers should sign a conflict of interest disclosure form, but Jones said that those forms are typically signed at the end of the year rather than the beginning of the year.

In other matters, there is an opening on the Argos Park Board. The applicant would have to be a Democrat or Independent. If interested, submit a letter of interest to the Argos Municipal Building, located at 201 West Walnut Street in Argos, by February 28.