Argos Town Council Discusses Cemetery Contract

(L to R) Ed Barcus, Robert Byers, Shawn Harley, Charles Randy Snead, Erica Partin

The Argos Town Council members discussed a cemetery contract when they met recently.

Clerk-Treasurer Lisa Mullaney asked the council if they would be opposed to having a two year contract for cemetery mowing services rather than the one year contract. There was a question about putting in the phrase “multi-year contract”, but Town Attorney Derek Jones advised against that.

Mullaney told the council that in the past the council went with a three year contract but was “burned” on that one. She also advised going the two year route.

The council made and approved a motion to have Jones prepare a bid for cemetery mowing.

Additionally, the council made and approved a motion to appoint Council President Erica Partin as a liaison to the Emergency Management Agency on behalf of the Town of Argos.