Plymouth Redevelopment Commission to Meet Tonight

The Plymouth Redevelopment Commission will meet tonight where the members will hold a public hearing to amend TIF #2 and establish TIF #8.

The members will also consider a resolution that would pledge tax increments, and they will confirm the resolution they approved in November that would amend the Declaratory Resolution that would expand the East Jefferson/Central Business District Economic Development Area, amend the allocation area and the economic development plan, and establish the Water Street allocation area of the purposes of Tax Increment Financing.

The members will hold discussion on improvements to Commerce Street and a PIDCO Development Agreement.

The Plymouth Redevelopment Commission will meet at 5:30 p.m. ET in the second floor Council Chambers room in the Plymouth City Building at 124 N, Michigan Street. Those wanting to attend the meeting in person should enter the building through the Garro Street entrance.