Argos Town Council Holds Public Hearing

The Argos Town Council held a public hearing for the Fire Department Additional Appropriation during a recent meeting.

Clerk-Treasurer Lisa Mullaney explained that the Argos Fire Territory is buying a remounted ambulance and it will be ready January 1, 2024. Even though the ambulance will not be ready until then, Mullaney stated that she wanted to continue with the additional appropriation so that she would not have to re-advertise it next year.

The preliminary purchase agreement is with Crossroads Ambulance Service for a estimated total of $194,000.

Mullaney told the council that the Argos Fire Territory will be using $100,000 out of its Cash Reserves to pay toward it. Town Attorney Derek Jones explained that. The balance will come from the town through a loan with Crossroads bank.

The public hearing was held because the $100,000 was not budgeted so it had to be done by an additional appropriation.

When it was open for public comments, Argos resident Bob Byers commented, “Do it.”

With no other comments from the public, the public hearing was closed.

Later on in the meeting, the council approved one resolution associated with the issue which was Resolution 2023-08 about the additional appropriation. The council voted to table Resolution 2023-09 which was the lease of the ambulance. The council tabled it so that Jones could contact the company and see the agreement, lease schedule, and certificate of acceptance.