Bremen Public School Board Holds Project Hearing

Article submitted by Gavin Greer, The Pilot News Staff Writer

The Bremen Public School Board opened a project hearing during the recent meeting.

Superintendent Dr. Jim White shared that this hearing was to explain the potential value of projects that the school board or community would be giving.

Dr. White said that a majority of the projects should go toward addressing deficiencies in the elementary building. He wants to improve hallways, furniture and carpeting.

After that, Dr. White shared how the projects would be financed. The projects will be financed by bonds. They will borrow about $1.35 million. The net proceeds are expected to be $1.18 million. The repayment term is two years and two months. Interest is $95,000. The estimated Debt Service impact is 10 cents.

There were no public comments. 

The board approved a project resolution, preliminary bond resolution as well as a reimbursement resolution as part of the bond process.