Bourbon Town Council Approves Grant Application, Sidewalk Ordinance

The Bourbon Town Council approved the application of a $500,000 Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA) grant that will be used for improvements to the Park Pavilion.

The funding will be used to bring the structure up to code including Americans with Disability Act (ADA) Compliance, updates to the restroom, kitchen area and some cosmetic upgrades. The town will be required to pay a 10% match for the cost of the project. As required by OCRA, public engagement and input sessions will be held.

Additionally, the council held a public hearing and approved the Sidewalk Ordinance on all three reads. Attorney Alex Hoover included the suggestions that were made during the June meeting; the ordinance updated items pertaining to outdoor seating and embellishments.

Those changes included ADA Compliance, the prohibition of alcohol outside of any approved areas, access by emergency services, first responders and law enforcement officers, the structures on the sidewalk cannot be permanent, businesses will be liable for any and all injuries or claims, and the Town of Bourbon reserves the right to request removal of items for any reason including but not limited to events and snow removal.

A complete copy of the ordinance can be requested in the Town Hall.