Bremen Town Council Holds Public Hearing Concerning Amended Sewer Rates

The Bremen Town Council held a public hearing Monday afternoon concerning the proposed amendment in sewer rates.

Jeff Rowe from Baker Tilly previously said the increases are in anticipation of the funding of a $16.3 million Wastewater Treatment Facility project.

The new Wastewater Treatment Plant would include a new maintenance building, control, chemical feed and blower building, and a sludge storage structure. The project also includes a new effluent outlet to the Yellow River, and the reconstruction of the town’s interceptor sewer through the wetland area and the manufactured home park.

A State Revolving Fund Loan is anticipated to be sought to fund the project. 

Rowe stated in a previous meeting that the increases will be infused in a two-phase process before introducing a final phase.

“The first phase, which we would anticipate to go into effect June 1 as it states in the ordinance, would represent a 20 percent increase so that would be the first step.  The phase two increase would reflect another 20 percent which I believe would be established in an effective date of January 1, 2024.”

While June 1 was written into the ordinance, Rowe noted that the first phase will be incorporated in the first billing cycle after the final adoption of the ordinance.  The amount of the final phase will be determined once all of the funding is put into place as bonds close.

The council opened the public hearing for comments Monday afternoon and there were no public comments. 

The council members already approved the first reading of the ordinance, and they unanimously approved the second and third readings of the ordinance Monday.