Culver Community School Corporation Names Valedictorian, Salutatorian

Kaity Stacy
Collin Hunnicutt

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The Culver Community School Corporation has announced the Valedictorian and Salutatorian for the graduating class of 2023.

The Valedictorian is Kaity Stacy. She is the daughter of Josh and Tina Stacy. After graduation, Kaity plans to attend Indiana University in Bloomington to study Business. While at Culver, Kaity was a member of the National Honor Society, CAVS Club, Yearbook, Newspaper and Student Council. She participated in Wrestling as the manager and Girls Golf. 

The Salutatorian is Collin Hunnicutt. He is the son of Rodger Hunnicutt and Meagen Girard. After graduation, Collin plans to attend either Purdue University or Western Michigan to study Flight Sciences. While at Culver, Collin was a member of the National Honor Society, Art Club, Spanish Club, CAVS Club, and the newspaper.