Bremen Town Council to Hold Work Session

The Bremen Town Council has scheduled a work session to discuss upcoming projects and what kind of funding may be available for those projects.

During the last council meeting, Councilman Michael Leman said the Jackson Street project and the Aquatic Center project are a couple of items that will be discussed during that time. They are projects that are supported with Stellar Communities funds.

The council has discussed the Aquatic Center in previous meetings, and with the amount of public input into the design of the project, the council wants to fund as much as possible, but it may have to be modified to come within a reasonable cost. 

There have been discussions about modifying the Jackson Street project because of cost, but bids are anticipated to be received for that project soon.

The work session has been set for Thursday, March 16 at 9:30 a.m. ET at the Bremen Town Hall at 111 S. Center Street.