Culver FFA Students Discuss FFA Week with Culver Community School Board

A few members of the Culver FFA program went before the Culver Community School Board Monday night to talk about FFA Week.

The FFA members have been decorating the hallways for the celebration of FFA Week. 

Agriculture teacher Michael Skiles who is the FFA Advisor explained that Middle School FFA was added to the chapter so students in grades 7-12 can participate, along with 6th grade 4-H members. Currently, there are 13 Middle School participants and 18 High School participants in the Culver FFA Chapter.

There are some members headed to state competition for various projects. 

As part of FFA Week, all participants in FFA in Marshall County met at the bowling alley for an event, and it is Teacher Appreciation Day Wednesday. Thursday is a field trip to Fair Oaks Farm for Culver students, and a few FFA students will drive tractors to school on Friday. 

The members talked about the FFA program in that it is much more than just about farming. They have public engagements, public speaking, community service projects, and more.

The Culver School Board members talked about FFA with the students and thanked them for their presentation.

Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb signed a proclamation to name this week FFA Week in recognition of all the work the Indiana FFA Organization, agriculture educators and FFA advisors do to cultivate the next generation of agriculturists for our state.

Throughout the week, the Indiana FFA State Officers travel the state to participate in activities alongside local FFA chapters and their communities.

The first National FFA week was held in 1948, when the National FFA Board of Directors designated a weeklong celebration to recognize George Washington’s example and legacy as a leader and farmer. For the past 75 years, FFA members across the country have taken part in agricultural, leadership and service-based activities during National FFA Week.