Culver Community School Board Approves Bid for New Gym Floor

The Culver Community School Board considered a bid for a new gym floor for the high school when they met this week.

Superintendent Karen Shuman said the bid proposal included removal of the old gym floor and the installation of a new gym floor. 

Shuman said three bids were received. The lowest bid received was for a Bio Cushion floor which is a taller floor.  With a taller floor, the 16 doors that access the gym would need to be reworked and the metal framework of the stationary basketball hoops would need to be raised to accommodate the rise in the floor.

Since it is believed that it would cost much more to accommodate that bid with extra infrastructure work, Shuman recommended going with the next lowest bid which replaces the current Bio Channel floor with the same type of flooring that exists. 

There is a $33,000 difference between the lowest bid and the next lowest bid, but with the extra cost that is anticipated with the lowest bid it was thought that the next lowest bid would be less in the total cost of the project.

Of the members present, the Culver Community School Board unanimously approved the next lowest bid from Fosters for the Bio Channel floor at a cost of $236,525.31. The cost will come from the bond money for construction projects already earmarked.  

The construction of the gym floor and the installation of bleachers are expected to begin around March 15 and end in time in for graduation to be held in the gym.