Triton School Board Reorganizes for New Year

The Triton School Board reorganized to start the new year when they met last week.

Superintendent Jeremy Riffle told MAX News that school board members Terri Barnhart, Steve Stichter and Ken Miller were given the oath of office as they were elected to their seats in the 2022 General Election.  Following that action, Terri Barnhart was elected president, Kevin Boyer as vice president and Steve Stichter as secretary. 

The board appointed Tom McFarland as the corporation treasurer, Steve Sticter as the ISBA delegate and legislative liaison, Wes Rettinger as the Student Handbook Committee representative, and Terri Barnhart as the Textbook Adoption Committee representative and the Board Policy representative.

The board also approved their annual salary at $1,850.  The conflict of interest forms were also signed during the meeting.

The school board will continue to hold their public meetings on the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. ET.