Culver Community School Board Reorganizes for New Year

Culver Community School Board members (L to R) Mark Maes, J.D. Uebler, Kevin Falk, Theresa Thompson, Jack Jones, Michael Pazin, Amy Pugh

The Culver Community School Board members met for their first meeting of the new year Monday night and welcomed new member Kevin Falk.

Jack Jones was elected president of the board, Michael Pazin was elected vice president and Theresa Thompson elected as secretary.  The school board officers will also act as the Board of Finance office holders.

The board appointed Superintendent Karen Shuman as the Title IX Coordinator, Christy Havron as the Extra-Curricular Activities Treasurer and set her bond at $50,000, and Casey Howard was appointed as the corporation business manager/treasurer and set her bond at $100,000.  Board members Michael Pazin, Jack Jones and J.D. Uebler were appointed to the Negotiations Team to meet with the Teacher Association, while board members Amy Pugh, J.D. Uebler, and Kevin Falk were appointed to the Discussion Team to meet with the Teacher Association.  Board member Theresa Thompson will serve as the board’s ISBA Legislative Liaison. 

Jeff Houin from Easterday/Houin Law Office was retained as the corporation’s attorney.

The board agreed to continue meeting the first and third Mondays of the month January-May and September-December.  They will only meet once a month in June, July and August.  The meeting time will remain at 7 p.m. ET with the meetings to be held in the Culver Administration Building at 700 School Street unless otherwise advertised.

The board also unanimously approved a motion to have two Executive Session meetings in February and in October to address personnel in administrator evaluations.