Bremen Town Council Appoints Department Heads, Liaisons

The Bremen Town Council members kept current department heads and appointed liaisons during their most recent meeting.

Council President Bill Daily will be the liaison to the Legal Department and Fire Department, Councilman Michael Leman will be the liaison to the Park Department and Police Department, Councilman Rick Graverson will be liaison to the Electric Department and Water and Street Departments, and Councilman Jim Leeper will be the liaison to the Cemetery Department, Wastewater Department and Clerk’s office. 

Bremen Director of Operations Trend Weldy was appointed to the Marshall County Solid Waste Management District. 

The department heads were retained for 2023. They include Electric Department Superintendent Ben Wright, Water Department Superintendent Henry Aguayo, Police Chief Brad Kile, Street Department Superintendent Austin Langdon, Park Department Superintendent Brian Main, Cemetery Superintendent Keith Fraine, Fire Chief Matt Neher, and Wastewater and Storm Water Superintendent Matt Cunningham.