John Glenn School Board to Meet Tonight

John Glenn School Board members (L to R) Robert Borlik, William Groves, Jared Egger, Superintendent Christopher Winchell, Ryan Knowlton, Christian Mattix, Dan Drotar, Dennis Holland

The John Glenn School Board will review a resolution tonight would officially begin the disannexation process of the Greene Township School from the South Bend School Corporation.

The board will also consider the approval of seven-semester graduate requests, Baker Tilly scope appendix, athletic training services agreement with Beacon Health System, a NIESC Regional Waste Removal/Recycling RFP, Classified Staff raises and Non-Certified wage schedule, and Administrative Staff contract extensions.

The four building principals will provide reports, as well as Superintendent Christopher Winchell and Director of Learning Tim Davis.

The John Glenn School Board will meet at 7 p.m. ET in the John Glenn Administration Building on the campus of the John Glenn High School at 101 John Glenn Drive in Walkerton.