Be Winter Weather Ready

Weather forecasters are predicting a major winter storm in the area this week, but the intensity of the storm is still under scrutiny.  Until snow accumulations and wind conditions come into better perspective, Emergency Management Agency officials are urging residents to be winter weather ready.

Temperatures will plummet this weekend and wind chill values may fall well below zero Saturday night and Sunday night. Temperatures will remain low for much of the upcoming week.  Take precautions to ensure animals are as safe as possible in these temperatures.

Avoid traveling on roads that are drifted and impassable. Keep your car’s gas tank full or near full to avoid ice in the tank and fuel lines. Tell someone of your travel plans and carry a winter survival kit in the car.  The kit should include a cell phone and charger, flashlight, blankets, extra clothing, first aid kit, snack food, waterproof matches to melt snow for drinking water, tow rope, a sack of sand or cat litter for traction, a small shovel, jumper cables, flares, or an orange emergency flag to tie to the antenna.

If you do get caught in a winter storm, stay in your vehicle.  Run the car’s motor for about 10 minutes each hour for heat and open the window a little for fresh air to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.  Make sure the exhaust pipe is kept free of blockage.

A Winter Weather Advisory means that winter weather conditions are expected to cause significant inconveniences and may be hazardous, especially to motorists.  A Winter Storm Watch means a storm is possible.  A Blizzard Warning means snow combined with strong winds can produce near zero visibility, deep drifts, and life-threatening wind chill.  In this instance, seek shelter immediately.