Bremen Town Council Supports Pay Increases

The Bremen Town Council members discussed employee wages when they met Monday afternoon.

In a previous conversation, Council President Michael Leman asked the department heads if they would be willing to crunch numbers in order to give a larger wage increase than three percent to employees for retention and attraction purposes and they all agreed.  With that, Leman asked the department heads to figure an eight percent increase in wages in 2023.

During Monday’s meeting, the council learned that the budget will be able to support the eight percent increase, and noted the additional levy funds in the budget.  With that, they unanimously supported the eight percent increase for employees.

It was explained that the employees in the Electric Department will not benefit from the increases due to previous action to give those positions a generous increase. 

There were several members of the public who were in support of the increases, specifically for the Bremen Police Department officers.  They said the officers put themselves in the line of duty everyday and make certain sacrifices that other employees do not. They were grateful that the council members supported the wage increase.

The council members assured all in attendance that they appreciate the work done by the Bremen Police Department. 

The council members will formally adopt the increase in the form of a wage ordinance in an upcoming meeting.