Bremen Town Council Adopts Bond Ordinance

The Bremen Town Council members took action Monday afternoon to approve the second and final readings of a bond ordinance concerning the construction of a new Wastewater Treatment Facility.

Jeff Rowe from Baker Tilly explained in a previous meeting that the ordinance is to authorize the construction of the anticipated Wastewater Treatment Facility, and that the town will seek long-term funding from the State Revolving Fund Loan Program or USDA funding, or a combination of both for the estimated $16.3 million project.

The new plant would include a new maintenance building, control, chemical feed and blower building, and a sludge storage structure. The project also includes a new effluent outlet to the Yellow River, and the reconstruction of the town’s interceptor sewer through the wetland area and the manufactured home park.

A short-term bond anticipation note will also be sought to reimburse the town with design work, engineering costs, bidding documentation, and other professional fees for about $3 million.  The short-term bond anticipation note would be paid off once long-term funding for the project is secured.

Rowe said the negotiation of the bond sale would close in early December.