John Glenn School Board to Meet Tonight

John Glenn School Board members (L to R) Robert Borlik, William Groves, Jared Egger, Superintendent Christopher Winchell, Ryan Knowlton, Christian Mattix, Dan Drotar, Dennis Holland

The John Glenn School Board will meet tonight where they will hold a public hearing on proposed renovations and improvements.

It was previously explained that a proposed General Obligation Bond would support the proposed renovation of and improvements to school facilities, site improvements and the purchase of equipment, buses and technology. 

Following the public hearing, a project resolution will be considered, along with a preliminary bond resolution, and a declaration of official intent to reimburse expenditures.

The school board will also consider approving the advertisement of the 2023 budget, hold the second reading on NEOLA policy updates, and review a resolution declaring surplus items.

Superintendent Christopher Winchell will have an update for the board, as well as Director of Learning Tim Davis and the four building principals.

The John Glenn School Board will meet at 7 p.m. ET in the John Glenn Administration Building at 101 John Glenn Drive in Walkerton.