John Glenn School Board Discusses Memorandum of Understanding with Four County

The John Glenn School Board members discussed a Memorandum of Understanding with Four County during their last meeting.

Superintendent Christopher Winchell explained that Four County is an area counseling service.

“We often work with parents and kids in a lot of different ways and sometimes what we find is we’ve been working with the kids and the parents as there may be a need for some behavioral counseling, emotional counseling and often times those are beyond the scope of what the school offers,” commented Winchell.  “We’ve often heard from parents that they really are struggling to find a service for their kids.  As Four County has expanded, part of their business model is to be able to partner with schools.” 

Winchell said the Memorandum of Understanding will allow the school to be a liaison between the parents and Four County if there is a need.   There is no obligation of the school or parents.  A credentialed counselor would be able to check on the student at school, if needed.

Four County also partners with parents for a higher level of counseling need and there may be a charge with that depending on what is recommended.  Winchell noted that if there is an income or insurance barrier, funds donated to the school for the specific use to assist students in need, referred to by Winchell as Emergency Fund monies, could be used for a one-time counseling appointment. 

The John Glenn School Board unanimously approved the Memorandum of Understanding with Four County.