Gregg and Kelly Erickson Receive Distinguished Hoosier Awards

Indiana State Senator Stacey Donato (center) presents Kelly (L) and Gregg Erickson with Distinguished Hoosier Awards

Gregg and Kelly Erickson each received the Distinguished Hoosier Award in a ceremony at David’s Courage Tuesday afternoon

The pair was honored for their work put into initiating and facilitating the David’s Courage property and programming. 

Jon VanDerWeele recognized the effort put in by the Ericksons and got a hold of Indiana State Senator Stacey Donato to put forth qualifications for the award and the Distinguished Hoosier Awards were fashioned and signed by Governor Eric J. Holcomb. The awards were handed to Gregg and Kelly Erickson by Senator Donato.

Several board members were on hand, and those who take part in David’s Courage teachings in order to lead a sober, productive life.

David’s Courage was a vision of Gregg and Kelly Erickson as much as five years ago, with that vision becoming a reality a short time later.  David’s Courage is a Christ-centered residential recovery program and transitional residency facility for men, and in the future for women, recovering from drug and alcohol addiction.