John Glenn School Board Discusses NEOLA Policies

The John Glenn School Board members took time to discuss NEOLA policies when they met last week.

Superintendent Christopher Winchell commented that NEOLA is a legal service that provides the school board with updated policies in the state which are reviewed by the corporation attorney. One packet of policies was brought before the school board for second reading with one rejection.

“We’re rejecting that because that would then create teacher evaluations in a virtual setting,” explained Winchell.  “We don’t intend to do virtual teacher evaluations. We still intend to still do those live in classrooms.”

Board member Jared Egger asked how evaluations would be done if there was a need to go to a virtual setting again.  Winchell replied that he thought that teachers would be under a hold harmless situation just like actions taken during the COVID-19 pandemic. If that’s not the case, Winchell said a plan with the Union Discussion Team would be created to fairly evaluate teachers while meeting the requirements of the State.

The proposed policies were unanimously approved with the proposed rejection.

Winchell said another packet of policies was also unanimously approved which contains a policy on public comment during meetings.

“There will be a section for public comment on every board agenda for board action items.  As long as the public present in person and fills out our comment card they will be allowed to speak on anything on the agenda.  We’ll continue to follow our previous policy of requesting at least one week in advance if a patron would like to speak on something not on the agenda.”

Title IX updates were also included which focuses on discrimination policies.