Indiana Department of Health Drive-Thru COVID-19 Vaccines and Testing Scheduled in Plymouth

COVID-19 cases are on the rise in the area.  Indiana Department of Health officials will be in Plymouth this week to offer COVID-19 vaccines and testing by invitation of the Marshall County Health Department.

Marshall County health officials say they want to offer the community as many vaccine and testing options as possible.

The drive-thru clinic will be held Wednesday, July 27 and Thursday, July 28 behind the Lifeplex at 2855 Miller Drive in Plymouth from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET both days.  No appointments are necessary.

COVID-19 vaccines will be offered for all residents ages 5 and older, as well as COVID-19 rapid and PCR testing.

Health officials say if residents test positive with COVID-19, isolate for five days.  A mask should be worn on days 6-10 when around others. If there are moderate or severe symptoms, see a health care provider for treatment options.