Bremen Town Council Holds Public Hearing on Funding for New Wastewater Treatment Facility

Plans proposed by Jones Petrie and Rafinski

The Bremen Town Council members opened a public hearing last week to take comments on USDA financing for the proposed construction of a new Wastewater Treatment Facility in Bremen.

Ken Jones from engineering firm Jones Petrie and Rafinski explained that this was the second public hearing as part of this process. The new plant would include a new maintenance building, control, chemical feed and blower building, and a sludge storage structure. 

Jones stated,  “We’re going to replace the screen on the headworks, influent pump station, standby electrical generator, and then a package extended aeration treatment facility, along with UV post aeration, chemical feed, sludge drying beds, and a dried sludge conveyor.  We’re going to be adding and updating the SCADA system, and we’re going to add a storm water pump station and build a new effluent outlet to the Yellow River.”

The project also includes the reconstruction of the town’s interceptor sewer through the wetland area and the manufactured home park.

The estimated cost of the project is $16.3 million.  The project would go to design later this year with proposed construction in 2023.  It will take approximately one year to complete.

The capacity should stay the same, at one million gallons a day, but can handle some future additions and growth if necessary.  Things would be processed more efficiently. 

Jones said the town should know if the USDA approves the application yet this summer. The town also applied for a State Revolving Loan and the town should receive notification about that this month. 

There were no public comments given during the meeting.