Bremen Town Council Holds Public Hearing on Electric Rate Ordinance

The Bremen Town Council members opened a public hearing Monday afternoon on a proposed electric rate ordinance.

The ordinance outlines customer charges, energy charges, demand charges, security light charges, and residential solar renewable generation net metering.  The new rates are designed to reflect the latest electric system operation and maintenance expenses and exclude the Utility Receipts Tax.

The residential customer charge per month is $15 and the energy charge is $.0880 per kilowatt hour.   The commercial single-phase charge per month is $20 with an energy charge of $.1020 per kilowatt hour, and commercial three-phase is $40 per month with the same commercial energy charge.

There were no public comments given.

Following the public hearing, the council unanimously approved the ordinance on the second and third readings.  It will go into effect in 30 days.