Bourbon Town Council Reviews Agreement Amendment with Wessler Engineering

The Bourbon Town Council members reviewed an amendment to the agreement of the Water Treatment Plant with Wessler Engineering last week. 

Clerk-Treasurer Kim Berger explained that the company will help the town put together a capital asset management plan as IDEM is now requiring one from the town.  The work will include plans and a cost analysis not to exceed $13,000. It is a reimbursable cost with the State Revolving Fund Loan.

The council members approved that amendment with a unanimous vote.

Additionally, the council approved a part-time person for help completing certain projects around town.  A high school student will help with upkeep at the park and with special projects throughout the summer for $14 an hour.  The student will report to Utility Superintendent Roger Terry.  Town Council President Ward Byers noted that the pay has been figured into this year’s budget.

Meanwhile, Berger asked the council to begin the bidding process for trash and recycling services.  She commented that there have been several complaints about services from the current vendor, Republic Services.  The current contract does end December 31, 2022.