Marshall County Sheriff’s Department Director of Programs Josh Pitts is helping to organize a Recovery Walk ahead of International Overdose Awareness Day on August 31.
The Recovery Walk is scheduled for Saturday, August 27 at 10 a.m. ET at the Marshall County Courthouse. Marshall County Superior Court 3 Judge Matthew Sarber, judge of the new Drug Court program, will provide words to those assembled and then all will walk down Jefferson Street to the Christo’s Banquet Center.
Pitts told the Marshall County Commissioners last week that upon their approval of the event, they will have information available for people at Christo’s.
Pitts commented, “I talked to Lindie Leary from the Bowen Center and I’m going to try and talk to some other places – counseling places. I talked to the Neighborhood Center – we want to get as many local resources available and set up a table with their information so that when people come to this they can get connected with resources.”
The event is co-sponsored by Marshall County Community Corrections Director Ward Byers and Marshall County Sheriff Matt Hassel.
The commissioners gave permission for the event on August 27 at the Marshall County Courthouse.
Otherwise, Pitts told the commissioners that the programs are expanding at the jail to give offenders options to improve their lives.
“We started with two classes when I first got started and we have over 20 now. If you see the people in the classes – if you saw their behavior when they started to where they’re at now, it looks a little different. When you give them something positive to do, it usually changes things a little bit.”