Culver Community School Board Approves Paperwork for Upcoming Building Projects

The Culver Community School Board members approved several documents last week pertaining to the upcoming building projects.

Some of the work at the Middle School/High School outlined in a summary includes the replacement of the 1968 electrical service panels and sub panels and include more outlets in classrooms, some exterior work to seal the building, renovation of restroom finishes and fixtures, installation of a new gym floor, and replacement of water piping.  An ADA lift would be added to the stage, and the locker rooms would be remodeled for ADA requirements. The band and choir rooms would be renovated to eliminate fixed risers, the FACS rooms would be renovated to accommodate a Culinary Studio, new pick-up and drop-off areas would be designed, and asphalt would be replaced.

At the Elementary School, water piping would be replaced, the gym floor would be replaced, the boilers would be replaced along with hot water heaters, and an ADA lift would be added to the stage.  The Media Center would be renovated into a collaboration learning lab, and officials would design a new front and back pick-up and drop-off area.

The design would begin this year with bids to be let in November or December in 2022 and with improvements to begin in Spring of 2023 with all of the improvements to be complete in 2023. 

A resolution was unanimously approved to determine the need of projects.  Another resolution was to approve the Fifth Amendment to Lease.  School Board Attorney Jeff Houin explained that this resolution allows the school corporation to transfer real estate to a non-profit corporation that takes out the bonds and then leases it back to the school corporation for payment on the bonds.  He said it is a common way for school corporations to borrow money for these types of projects.  Since this action has occurred several times, it is the Fifth Amendment to the lease.  The resolution was approved with a unanimous vote. 

A public hearing on the Fifth Amendment to the Lease will be held during the school board’s June 16 meeting. 

The board also re-approved the Culver Building Corporation that will take care of the lease agreements for the school.