Bremen Town Council Review Financing Options for Wastewater Treatment Plant

The Bremen Town Council members will be working with Baker Tilly experts and the town’s engineer in getting figures put together for financing options surrounding the proposed Wastewater Treatment Facility project.

The cost of the new plant would be about $16.1 million.  Three new buildings will be featured including a maintenance building; a control, chemical feed and blower building; and sludge storage structure.  Other additions include UV post aeration, a chemical feed tank, sludge drying bed improvements, a storm water pump station, and new effluent outfall to the Yellow River, among others.  The interceptor sewer will also be upgraded.

In a previous meeting, Ken Jones from Jones Petrie and Rafinski explained that the current plant dates back to 1964 and is antiquated to meet certain current requirements.  The new plant would feature up-to-date technology and the town could better meet compliance needs.

He stressed that the current plant would remain online while the new plant is being constructed right next door.  The current plant would be decommissioned once the new plant is operating.  The construction is expected to start in Spring of 2023.

To keep rate increases low, the town will be seeking a State Revolving Loan Fund to help finance the project.  The council will be taking additional action concerning the proposed project in upcoming meetings.