Triton School Board Reorganizes, Makes Appointments

The Triton School Board took time to reorganize Monday night as the first action of the new year.

The board agreed to keep Terri Barnhart as president, Kevin Boyer as vice president and Steve Stichter as secretary.  The board also selected Tim Shelly as the corporation attorney from Warrick and Boyd, LLP.

The board will continue to meet on the second Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. ET in an in-person and video format.

Additionally, Tom McFarland was appointed as treasurer, and the Indiana School Board Association delegate and legislative liaison is Steve Stichter.  The Student Handbook Committee representative is Wes Rettinger and the Textbook Adoption Committee representative and Board Policy representative is Terri Barnhart.

Superintendent Jeremy Riffle said the board annual salary remained the same at $1,850.