Plymouth City Council Approves Resolution that Moves Money for Street Department Purchase

The Plymouth Street Department will be getting new computers thanks to action by the Plymouth City Council last week.

A resolution was presented to the council members that would authorize the transfer of appropriations within the Street Department’s budget for certain purchases. 

Street Superintendent Jim Marquardt commented that the computers at the Street Department are outdated and need to be upgraded.  He also commented that a new time clock would be purchased with funds as there are some employees who are unable to clock in to work under the current system. 

The time clock would cost $3,100 and the desktop computers would cost $4,400.  The money would come from the curbs and sidewalks line item in the budget.  The cost to network the computers with the fuel system is included. 

Marquardt also requested a service contract, but an IT Committee is looking into the best option in providing stricter coverage for the city’s IT systems so that will be reviewed at a later time. 

The Plymouth City Council members approved the resolution authorizing the purchase of a time clock and desktop computers with a unanimous vote.