Bremen Town Council Approves Bid for Water Main Project

A bid has been approved for an upcoming water main replacement project in Bremen. 

The Bremen Town Council previously opened three bids for the work to be done on the South Jackson Street water main project.  Ken Jones from JPR recommended that the town council approve the lowest responsible bid of $250,000 from Haskins Underground.  The council approved the recommendation with a unanimous vote and President Jim Leeper will sign the contracts. 

Water and Storm Water Superintendent Alex Mikel said the water main in the 100 block of South Jackson Street dates back to 1895.  The project will replace that water main, and eliminate the 10-inch water main in the alley behind Town Hall and turn it into a storm main.  The project will also include the addition of an 8-inch water main to South Street in front of the Fire Department. 

The project is expected to begin after the first of 2022.