John Glenn School Board Takes Public Comment on Mask Mandate

Members of the John Glenn School Board took public comments Tuesday night from parents about the school corporation’s switch to a mask mandate. 

The corporation moved from a mask recommendation to a mask requirement at the end of August due to an increase of COVID-19 cases within the schools and after conversations held with the county health departments.  It is a requirement for anyone riding a school bus to wear a mask due to a federal mandate. 

Those who signed up to speak were given three minutes to present their comments to the board. 

Fourteen citizens spoke during the public comment portion of the meeting. There were those who were against wearing masks who made statements about the inefficacy of masks, the harm that masks reportedly cause to a student’s physical and mental well-being among other health issues, masks worn during the hours of a school day versus not wearing them while participating in contact sports, freedom of choice, rights of Americans, and parent choice.  One member of the audience submitted a petition with 400 signatures against the mask mandate. 

There were four people who were in favor of masks, stating that it is for the health and safety of students and community members, it is a way to slow community spread of the highly-contagious Delta variant of COVID-19, it is a way to keep kids in school without remote learning, and to protect those students who cannot receive a vaccine at this time. 

A few of those who spoke provided different scientific studies for and against mask wearing. 

The board did not make any comments on the statements, but listened to those who spoke during the comment session.

Following that portion of the meeting, many of the patrons left the meeting as the board continued with their regular meeting as advertised. 

Board President William Groves asked for patience as everyone works through the process while Board Member Robert Borlik said he took notes while everyone spoke and will review those notes.