Bremen School Board Takes Public Comment on Masking Requirement

The Bremen Public School Board members took public comments Wednesday night on the school’s recent change to a mask requirement.

Superintendent Dr. Jim White said about four or five people provided comments during the public comment portion of the school board’s regular monthly meeting.

“They don’t feel very fond of masks and don’t believe in their efficacy, but it was a decent discussion,” said Dr. White.  “Boy, I’ll tell you what after going to masks, while none of us enjoy wearing them, it really made a huge difference in the number of kids we had quarantined and out of school.  That’s kind of the big push that we’re making – just trying to have kids in school instead of being contract traced out.”

The mask requirement at Bremen Public Schools began Tuesday, September 7.  Dr. White previously stated that the mask mandate will shift back to a recommendation when Marshall County returns to the yellow status on the Indiana Department of Health’s County Metrics Map.