Bremen Town Council Discusses Electronic Sign Policy

The Bremen Town Council members may decide to expand what is allowed as content on the electronic sign policy following a discussion Monday afternoon.

The new LED electronic sign is located at the corner of Plymouth Street and Bowen Avenue.  Every municipality in Marshall County received an LED message board, purchased with COVID-19 funds received by the Marshall County Crossroads Regional Stellar Initiative to improve communications with local residents and visitors to Marshall County.  All signs will display emergency and community information from all towns on each of the signs in the county. 

In previous discussions, Town Attorney Anthony Wagner suggested that the town should allow information to be displayed that comes from the Town of Bremen, Bremen Parks, German Township, the Bremen Public Library, Bremen Public Schools, and Marshall County Emergency Management Agency. 

Wagner said he had questions posed by Town Councilman Rick Graverson about information by an organization posted on the sign, and they are still attempting to decide what to determine to put into a sign policy.  They could decide to charge for posting information on the sign from organizations, but they have not formally agreed on a policy. 

Wagner said the policy can be changed at any time, but an initial policy needs to be put together and approved.  The council will discuss the policy in an upcoming meeting.