Alpha Flight Receives 141 Certificate

The Alpha Flight School at the Plymouth Municipal Airport received the 141 Certificate Monday morning from the FAA. 

Airport Manager Bill Sheley explained to the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety members Monday night that there are 130 pages of rules and regulations for Flight Schools in which to operate and 50 additional pages of being a 141 operator.  Sheley said the Alpha Flight has achieved all that is needed for the cerfication. 

Sheley said, “Being a 141 school, it brings them up to the level of schooling like Purdue or Embry-Riddle or any of the major colleges that fall under 141. What it’s going to do for this flight school is now they’ll be able to be a northern tier provider of aviation training for Ivy Tech, which is something that we’ve already discussed with Ivy Tech and just waiting for it to happen.  It’s also going to make it so they can accept VA benefits, and get into some of the training that is being done out there for Army helicopter pilots that are retiring from the Army.”

Sheley said it was a big announcement for Alpha Flight and for the airport.  The board members congratulated all involved in the effort.