Plymouth School Board Discusses 2021-2022 Reopening Plan

The Plymouth School Board members looked at several components within a proposed 2021-2022 reopening plan when they met Tuesday night.

Superintendent Andy Hartley noted that the plan was required as the Plymouth Community School Corporation is a recipient of Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III funds. 

Hartley explained that there will not be a virtual learning option next school year, unless there are specific student health-related or quarantine issues to take into consideration on a case-by-case basis. 

As for the wearing of masks, Hartley said the school corporation will follow the guidelines from the state or the Marshall County Health Department. 

The school corporation will continue in its mitigation practices to slow the spread of COVID-19 by keeping rooms available to isolate students who show symptoms of COVID-19, use appropriate spacing of student seating where possible, observe frequent hand washing and sanitizing, and conduct frequent cleaning strategies. 

School officials will coordinate efforts with the Marshall County Health Department to vaccinate all students aged 12 and older or staff who desire to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.  The plan states, “Students or staff who are considered to be fully vaccinated according to the local health official and who are considered a close contact of a positive case, will not have to quarantine.”

The reopening plan could change as the health environment changes, but the Plymouth School Board approved the reopening plan with a unanimous vote.  It will be revisited in the next six months.